Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Patapsco, The Glutton Returns

Getting tired of the "Patapsco,..." titles? I am a little bit and thought about stopping today, but I like being able to just scan and know what a given article is about from the first word of the title. How does this title relate to today's tale of woe?

Well, I played another round today. That makes 5 in 9 days. Still feeling tired but in the long run I'm sure this will be good for me, two-fold: my game and my overall health. Probably about 2 miles of walking per round. I need better shoes!

The results (from the blues, natch!):
  1. Bogey, 4
  2. Bogey, 4
  3. Bogey, 5
  4. Bogey, 4
  5. Par, 4
  6. Double Bogey, 6
  7. Bogey, 5
  8. Birdie!!!!, 3
  9. Bogey, 5
  10. Bogey, 4
  11. Birdie!!!, 4
  12. Double Bogey, 5
  13. Par, 4
  14. Bogey, 4
  15. Double Bogey, 5
  16. Bogey, 5
  17. Double Bogey, 6
  18. Bogey, 5
Not the best round by far, but I wasn't necessarily trying my hardest. Today was more about getting out, getting exercise, and still working on my drive. Most of the crap above was my own fault and could have been avoided had I brought my A game and gave it 110%.

The totals: 40, 42 (82) Baaaad! Hopefully that will be my worst and I'll never be there again.

Something else to be noted: I took some practice drives with a sidearm throw. Trying some techniques I learned online that are completely different from the way I'm used to throwing sidearm. Had some very promising results and I'm hoping that I can incorporate that throw into my game soon. I actually did use it twice today for approaches that needed it and did them fairly well.

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