Saturday, September 1, 2007

Patapsco: A New Achievement

Achievement? Yes, indeed! On yesterday's round, I got my first eagle! I got a par 5 in 3. It felt nice. This was on #11 at Patapsco. The numbers:
  1. Double bogey, 5
  2. Triple!! bogey, 6
  3. Double bogey, 6
  4. Bogey, 4
  5. Par, 4
  6. Bogey, 5
  7. Bogey, 5
  8. Par, 4
  9. Par, 4
  10. Par, 3
  11. Eagle!!!!!, 3
  12. Bogey, 4
  13. Birdie, 3
  14. Par, 3
  15. Double Bogey, 5
  16. Bogey, 5
  17. Bogey, 5
  18. Bogey, 5
43 (+10) for the front and 36 (+2) on the back for a total of 79 (+12) strokes. Actually, another first: my lowest from the blues so far.

I don't even want to think about playing all holes as 3s yet!

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